Monday, January 20, 2014

Twintroducing (These Jokes Never Get Old)

At long last, introducing to Ink Blot Coffee:

Bruiser and the Bee!

Day One. Bruiser on the left, Bee on the right

Celebrating three weeks of awesomeness.
(Bee in pink, Bruiser in blue)
These latest additions to our clan arrived three weeks ago on 30 December (and by the way, for those of you who missed it, I diligently uploaded a blog post, via timer, my last morning of twinancy that did not get uploaded to Facebook). I'm hoping to start blogging again more regularly, but expectations are low as we are more than usually in survival mode right now. Still, writing keeps me sane and happy, and we could all use a little more sanity and happiness in the midst of the diapers and sleepless nights and spit up.

Turtle twins and Bee's first bow.

Thank you all, once again, for all your prayers, love, and support. These amazing twins have no idea what an incredible community they were born into. Here are just a few of my favourite pictures from the last three weeks.

The boys have each picked their own twin.

I love them sleeping together.

Getting their military on.

Bruiser's squashy face.

Bee's secret smile.


A. Smithee said...

Congratulations again! You have a beautiful family.

JavaArm said...

Love hearing from you and your sense of humor still comes out, even being sleep deprived/exhausted! Thankful for the community you have around you that can be hands and feet for you during this time. The rest of us, far away, just get to keep on praying for you! Love ya

jana @janas3dresses said...

Love, love, love!!! Can't wait to meet them.

Beth Gunn said...

Oh my goodness, too much cuteness, squishy, huggable stuff! You're amazing too Mom!

Jen said...

Oh Marian! Congratulations!! I've only just seen this!! I'm not on Facebook anymore and was wondering what had happened to you and concerned about you and the twins, so glad you're ok! As a family we prayed for you guys last night (before I'd seen this!) and wanted you to know we will continue to pray for you in the great but tough phase- and if there's anything specifically we can pray for do email me at and we will totally pray for that! Lots of love xx