Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rejoining the Land of the Living

Let's be honest: I fell off the face of the earth. I've discovered that having a new baby, plus a toddler, plus an endless stream of guests followed by an impromptu pre-deployment trip to see family just does that to me. But things are starting to settle in again now. It helps that Tiny has been regularly sleeping through the night for a few weeks now, and that the spring cleaning was mostly finished while my sister was here, and that I'm actually starting to feel more like I'm purposefully living each day instead of just trying to survive until I can sleep again. So yes, here I am again. And I hope to be writing more regularly over the next few months. This is more of a possibility since I'm not having to take a nap every day. Just most days. So on the non-nap days, you may be graced by my presence.

In the meantime, I am here, enjoying my last few weeks with the Man before he heads off to training, cherishing every moment of him and the boys, tolerating the pets most days, and enjoying things like lemonade and wind-chimes and freshly cut grass. And that is all the current excitement. More to come, hopefully soon...


Martha said...

Yay! Glad you are posting again. In case you didn't hear, we are moving back to Denton. That means we will be just a few hours away. I think we need to take advantage of that :) Miss you!

Annie Hendry said...

I'll be praying for you! Hate when the menfolk have to leave. Wish you lived closer :(

Kahlia said...

missed your posts, friend. But if you have a choice between blogging and spending time with your family, family wins every time!

neni said...

Well I saw the finished product so you did amazingly well with the bread. And I love the picture of you and Tim. You and he look flushed with the heat of cooking and so beautiful. Love you!